Sunday, February 10, 2008


Unbelievable weekend everybody. Special thanks to Alex, Chris 1, Chris 2, Jessica 1, Jessica 2, Jeff, King Rishi and Joe for coming on Saturday and Sunday. We've got the DK's in 3D mode finally and now it's just fine tuning all our connections and hopefully start TIG welding next Saturday Bill and Daret willing. Filthy Phil also made an appearance and although we weren't quite ready for all the TIG work, he gave us another mechanical's insight on the road ahead. We'll try to get him back in next weekend.

We also put a pimpin' paint job on the 2007 bridge. It's really poppin' Chrome and Blue like never before (well silver and blue really). Ready for E-Week recruitment baby, bring on the freshies and sophies.

Still to do in the shop...

Female DK Connection fix (thanks Joe)
DK Male Seats
Precision Mill Outer OT'
Precision Mill Pier C's
Make sure we have enough cross braces for OT Frames. (4.5")
CD doves, ~1/32 to 1/16 underengagement preferred
A.G.S. doves on OT (3/4" tall ones alligned in jig)
Star shims for DK females, about three ought to do it.
Begin Cutting Lateral Pieces
Cut/Custom Fit Outer DK pieces
Pier/dk Cnxn Seats
Lathe project for Outer OT Cnxns
...probably more after that...(geez ya think?)

Immediate welding in the forseeable future...

OT Frames
Pier Lats (custom boxes to length)

DK Cnxns
Pier C's
Crank to OT Frame
Outer OT's

Keep on keepin' on Chrome-O's. No rest for the weary.
(don't forget to study)

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