Faiyaz, Alex, Delicious and Matt discussed constructability of all the basic options given the new construction site and the option of barges. We'll analyze at least one bridge on Thursday, August 2nd in EUIII. Until then, keep working on those AutoCAD wireframes.
"If you're all brains and have no vision then that means you suck"
Attendance: Jessica Revell, Alex Wong, Faiyaz Mohammed, Matt Turner.
We talked about the basics of the rules, the new deck requirements, basic maximum profile dimensions, construcability concerns. We nailed down 8 solid designs, but split them into 4 different basic designs and we'll work on them accordingly. The goal for Tuesday July 31st in 1203 Bainer is to come up with member configurations on each design and show how each will be constructable. Then Matt will take us through a AutoCAD 3D wireframe construction on the lab computer. After which we'll analyze our first design either on Tuesday or next Thursday. Let's keep ramming it home people.
We looked at what Faiyaz and Alex came up with for 2006 design profiles. Matt broke them down piece by piece with specific emphasis on the need to adhere to the usability, dimensions, and other parts of the Rule book that are easy to overlook. After the breakdown, we went back to Salt Lake City and looked at NDSU, SUNY Canton and Wisconsin's bridges of 2006 and broke down their performance. It was obviously an efficiency year, and while some teams overloaded their bridge with material to get a minimal stiffness, NDSU kept the bridge as heavy as it needed to be and still came out ahead in the Efficiency category.
Structural Deisgn notes for 2006: a. positive use of truss geometry b. constructability over asymmetric river c. initial truss angle, steep vs. flatter d. design for load location...global or local stiffness approach e. absolute need for precision in connections The goal for next Thursday, July 26, will be to take a stab at the 2005 design scenario. Hopefully, after the first try things will get more detailed.
Students: Jessica Revell, Alex Wong, Chris Quon, Faiyaz Mohammed (incoming transfer).
Since we had a newcomer in the group, we basically talked about the SB Competition on the whole. The basics of a design profile, major rules that need to be followed, construction site, what competition is like, and how we get from sketch on napkin to final competition product.
We watched some video as well, saw Wisconsin's Northridge NSSBC run from 2007, and we saw Michigan's San Diego NSSBC run from 2003.
A design challenge was set as well. The goal was to come up with a basic design concept for the 2006 Rules -- with particular emphasis on bridge type selection according to scoring. As for constructability details, section size selection, and connection design, that's something we'll discuss this Thurday, July 19 at 6 pm in the Chrome Ollie Loft at Bainer Hall.
Until then, we march on, exciting times, Rules are a few weeks away!
Talked about: Scoring scenarios (changes from 2002 to present), bridge type selection, truss geometry, deck design, connections.
Cosas que hacer: 1. Shim Library 2. Mini Doves 3. Mini-Rack for Steel (one set of longs, one set of shorts) for Chrome Ollie Loft. 4. Keep studying and learning design concepts and tricks of the trade.
Since it's going to be Matt's last season, he wants to pass as much knowledge along as possible. A SB Design Academy of sorts will take place throughout the summer up in 1203 Bainer until the 2008 Rules comes out. All returning members for 2008 and possibly 2009 are encouraged to attend and learn the basics.
Topics to be covered during the sessions:
1. Design for stiffness - Basics of the business. 2. Scoring Design - Working with profiles and catering to scoring demand needs. 3. Assembly Design - Tricks of the trade, minimizing members, connections etc. 4. Connection Design - bolted, doved, pinned, we've got a lot of pictures and details to cover.